Fellowship Class 10/25/20 Lectionary Studies
Join us this Sunday at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall as the Fellowship class examines Matthew 22:34-46. Our scripture for this Sunday is also recorded in Luke 10:25-28 and Mark 12:28-34. How do the versions differ and how are they similar? How does verse 37 differ from Deuteronomy 6:5? How do you love God? See 1 John 5:3. How does loving God and loving neighbor fulfill all the commandments? What did the Pharisees' answer in verse 42 reveal about who they considered the Messiah to be? In the original Hebrew, in verse 44, the first Lord is Yahweh but the second Lord listed is called only Lord. What is Jesus's point of stating this verse to the Pharisees? What is He trying to help them realize? Come be Blessed by The Word! Hope to see you there.