
Lectionary Readings

Our scripture for Sunday is 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11. Who is Peter's audience? How is Peter uniquely qualified to encourage us to embrace suffering as opposed to denying our Faith? Peter tells us not to be surprised by trials. How do trials affect our spiritual lives? How have trials helped you grow in Faith? How have trials helped you demonstrate your Faith to others? Who do you know that demonstrated their Faith as they went through trials? How do you embrace humility? Have you ever asked someone else if you are prideful? How has the devil presented for you as a roaring lion and how many times has he been like a cat stalking in stealth mode? Verse 9 reminds us that we are members of a family of believers sharing the same Spirit. How has this helped you in times of suffering? How have you felt the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in your life during these times? Peter reminds us that our suffering is brief in comparison to eternity. See also James 4:14. How does the promise of restoration help strengthen you? Who do you know that may need some words of encouragement right now? Post your thoughts and share in the discussion.

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