Lectionary Studies
Our scripture for this week will cover Matthew 15:10-28. Who was Jesus speaking to in verse 10? Why were Jewish food laws so important to the Pharisees? Where do the things that come out of our mouths originate? See Matthew 5:28. How many of the 10 commandments originate in the heart? Why did Jesus insinuate that the Pharisees are blind? Why did Jesus not respond to the Canaanite woman when she first approached Him? Why do you think she approached Jesus in the first place? What does Jesus's response in verse 23 mean? When the woman did not get what she asked for, what was her response? What is your response when Jesus does not grant your requests? How did Jesus compliment the woman?
Our teen zoom bible study class will be held at 6 pm on Monday evening. If you are interested in participating, simply contact Jim Collinsworth and he will send you an invitation.