Restarting In-Person Worship Services
Greetings! Please see the following announcement and protocol. "First, do no harm....." John Wesley
Restarting In-Person Worship Services
We are happy to announce that our reopening plan has been approved by the conference and we will be able to meet in person this Sunday July 5th at 11 am. There will be one worship service that will be held at the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary located at 304 E. 9th Street in Kemp, Texas. Bible studies and Sunday school will not be held on Sunday morning but will continue to be held on Zoom. Check with Pastor David if you would like to participate in those activities.
Who should attend:
While we are happy to be able to see everyone in person, with the sharp increase in cases in both Kaufman and Henderson counties, we do ask that those that are feeling ill or are in a high-risk category please stay home. We will continue to offer online services through our Facebook page and on our website if you do not feel comfortable attending in person.
Social distancing:
This will be difficult for the huggers in our bunch but it is very important that we maintain our social distancing guidelines of 6 ft between non-family members. Studies are demonstrating that 5% of the asymptomatic population is spreading virus, therefore, we need to be careful about who we come in contact with and social distancing is a must.
Face shields:
We will be requiring all who attend to wear a face covering. If you do not have a face covering, one will be provided for you. If you have a breathing issue that prevents you from wearing a face covering, please feel free to watch our service on Facebook Live or on the website.
Entering the building:
All congregation members are to enter through the doors at the back of the sanctuary (those that open to 9th street). Greeters will be present to open the doors for you and to give direction to your seats. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the door. We will ask that as you arrive, you move to the first aisle available at the pew closest to the front of the sanctuary. You will most likely not be setting in your usual seat. Please maintain social distancing.
Exiting the building:
After the service is over, everyone will exit through the doors to the left of the pulpit and out through the Fellowship Hall to the parking area. Please refrain from stopping to visit until you get outside and please continue to maintain social distancing.
Please go to the restroom prior to entering the church grounds (ie. at home). If you need to use the restroom, please do not re-enter the sanctuary.
Worship aids:
Pew bibles and hymnals will be removed from the pews. No programs will be provided. Please print your program prior to attending worship and bring it with you or feel free to use your personal devices to view the liturgy and hymns.
There will be no childcare or youth programs offered during the worship time.
There will be no plates or buckets passed during the service. Instead tithing plates and buckets will be present as you enter the sanctuary. Please feel free to continue your online giving.
Although this is a communion Sunday, we will be refraining from communion until it can be delivered in a safe and respectful manner.
All church surfaces will be cleaned prior to and after services. Thank you to those who dedicate their time to this task of keeping us all safe.