
Sunday School 10/04/20 Lectionary Studies

Join us this Sunday at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall as the Fellowship class examines Matthew 21:33-46. Who is Jesus speaking to? Who are the landowner and farmers representative of? What does the vineyard represent? Who are the servants? What did the tenants do to the servants? How is this verse tied to other scripture? See 2 Chronicles 24:21, Jeremiah 20:2 and Jeremiah 26:21-23. Who does the Son represent? What did the chief priests say would be an appropriate punishment. At what point do the chief priests realize Jesus is talking about them? Who are the new tenants representing? What is required of the new tenants? Can the cornerstone also be a stumbling block? See Isaiah 8:14-15. Join in the discussion. Come be Blessed by The Word! Hope to see you there.

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