Sunday Worship
We will not be meeting for services at the church building. We will however, be the Church and will be having a worship service. For those of you on Facebook, Pastor David will be leading a service via Facebook Live at 11 am tomorrow (Sunday). This will be our new normal for the next few weeks. If you have not already "liked" the First United Methodist Church's Facebook page, please do. When David begins his presentation, there will be a notification sent to you. Simply click on it and you will be able to see the video. If you miss it, you can come back to it later to watch it or re-watch it. If you do not have a Facebook account, it is free. If you choose not to get a Facebook account, the message will also be loaded to the church's webpage, which is I do not know how long it will take to link the video to the webpage. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.
We were Blessed to serve 24 families at food pantry this week. Participants were very grateful for the Blessing shared with them.
On Thursday, we were represented at a meeting called by the Mayor to come up with a plan to meet the needs of those unable to care for themselves in the event the circumstances surrounding the virus get worse. As a church, we may be called upon to help supply needs for those who are unable to get out. Some current needs are: adult diapers, denture cream, wipes, laundry soap and hand soap.
The school is requesting books to be handed out to students when they come to pick up their lunches (which are being provided by the school). They are asking for books for children from kindergarten to high school. Something that the kids would like to read.
We will try to get a food pantry needs list out soon, knowing it may be difficult to fill our usual list of items. God will provide.
Tomorrow's scripture will be on being the Light. Be thinking about how we can be the light in a dark world.
Stay safe and be Blessed,