
This week in the life of FUMC Kemp

Youth Zoom Bible Study is held each Monday at 6 pm. Contact Jim Collinsworth for more information.

Wednesday Zoom Bible Study continues this week. If you are interested, email You do not need to be a member of the church to participate. All are welcome. We will continue with our lectionary studies. This week we will cover Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22 and Romans 10:5-15.

Sunday, Aug 9th, join us in the sanctuary or on Facebook Live for our Sunday Worship Service at 11 am. This week Pastor David will bring us a message from Matthew 14:22-33. Be Blessed by the Word.

Immediately following Worship on Aug. 9th, a Church Council meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Face coverings are required and social distancing will be practiced.

If you have prayer requests, please submit through the "Contact Us" page

A look ahead....

Labor of Love Food Pantry will be open Tuesday, August 18th from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. Serving those in need living within the boundaries of the Kemp School District. If you need food before then, please leave a message on the church voicemail at 903-498-4791.

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